Reportizer Documentation
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Typical Tasks' Solutions


Create a new report

Print a table with page totals for some numeric fields

Create a report with grouping records

Export report to HTML, Excel, or text file

Create a new report

  1. Creating absolutely new report.
    Click Create Report button.
    Specify a data source. Select a database and specify a data set (table name or SQL statement). Click Next.
    Select fields of the data source, for which you wish to automatically create headers, data showing objects and totals expressions. Note, that not selected fields will still available for you later, when you will edit the created report. Click Next.
    Select other options (if you wish) and click Finish.
  2. Creating new report from existing one.
    In the list of reports, select a report, from which you wish to derive the new one. Choose Report | Save As... and specify file name for the new report template. There is also an alternative way, such as choosing Report | Save As... in Report Builder window.

Print a table with page totals for some numeric fields

  1. When creating new report, check Add Page Totals option at the last step. All objects will be created automatically for each numeric field of data source. Then, in Report Builder you will be able to remove the objects for those columns, for which you don't want to show the page totals, as well as to add new such objects.
  2. To modify an existing report, choose Report Builder page. Mark with check the Page Totals band in report tree to make it visible. Place Expression objects on it. Call the Expression editor (button '...' in object properties table). Select dataset_sum from the function list and click Add button to the right. In the editor, specify values for the second and third parameters of the function: -1 (group by current page) and the needed field name in single quotes, respectively. Then click OK. Repeat this procedure for all columns, for which you wish to add expressions.
    Click Preview. In preview, click Print, select print options and click OK.

Create a report with grouping records

  1. When creating new report with grouping records, be sure you choose correct sorting in your dataset. At the last step, choose Grouping Records page and specify grouping expression(s). Grouping expression is calculated each time the new record of data source passed. When the result of the expression is changed, the current group ends and a new one begins. When the group starts, Group Header band is outputted (if visible). When the group ends, Group Footer band is outputted (if visible).
  2. To modify an existing report, choose Report Builder page. In report tree, select Report to see the report properties. Specify grouping expression (call Expression editor (button '...'), select needed field from the field list and click Add, and then click OK).
    Check groping sections in report tree to make them visible. Place desired objects on them.
    Example of report template with grouping is included in the application installation (file groups.dtt).

Export report to HTML, Excel, or text file

Prepare a simple table looked report. Table looked report is a report with structure, similar to table. Switch to preview mode. In preview, click Export button and choose needed export format. Then specify a file name and click Save.

See also

 Exporting Report to File