In Reportizer Opening Data Source dialog, there are several ways to open Sybase databases:
1. Opening through ODBC DSN. Select ADO or BDE interface, then choose ODBC data source option and then select the needed ODBC DSN from the drop-down list. But first, you should create an ODBC DSN of the corresponding type using Windows administrative tools, and point it to the database.
2. Opening through BDE alias. Select BDE interface, then select Alias option and then select the needed alias from the drop-down list. But first, you should create the alias of type SYBASE using BDE Administrator tool and point it to the database.
3. Opening through connection string. Select ADO interface, then choose Connection string option and write a connection string. This way is very flexible and allows to specify many additional parameters in the connection string and override standard Reportizer connection behavior. It is recommended for advanced users. Connection strings examples can be found in the Internet.
See also