Reportizer Viewer Documentation

Installer Command Line Parameters

If you install Reportizer Viewer from your own application, installer, or .BAT file, it will be useful for you to know the Reportizer Viewer installer parameters.

Reportizer Viewer installer is built by Inno Setup compiler. The description of the installer command line parameters can be found in the Inno Setup online documentation.

Example of INSTALL.BAT

@echo off

REM Path where installer is
SET InstallFromPath=C:\

REM Path where to install
SET InstallToPath=c:\Program Files\Reportizer Viewer

cd "%InstallFromPath%"

REM Silent launch the installer
REM To associate Reportizer Viewer with .dtt files, use /TASKS=DTT_ASSOC
REM To associate Reportizer Viewer with .stt files, use /TASKS=STT_ASSOC
REM To associate Reportizer Viewer with .dtt and .stt files, use /TASKS=DTT_ASSOC,STT_ASSOC

echo Installing...

START /WAIT rptview.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /NOCANCEL /DIR="%InstallToPath%" /GROUP="Reportizer Viewer"

echo Installed
